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Emiliano Benitez is an Argentine massive, sexy muscular bodybuilder whom we've admired watching online for a few years. Yes, there are "NSFW" videos of his cam show out there in the Internet universe. Most are solo but we've been told that he has ventured into a few action videos. If you'd like to view pics of this hot guy you may surf his Instagram although it is currently set to private. His cam show on Cam4 has been inactive however there are several videos available for purchase on that link. If you are interested in purchasing a 2t file, send us an email and we’ll point you to a secret cache of this beauty! There are two videos of him after the jump. Enjoy!

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting males we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner who appears in likenesses.

Thanks and enjoy our blog.

This is a compilation of this massive Argentine beefcake on cam shows teasing his fans whilst flashing his beautiful, bronzed body. Love his quads, thighs, ass and dick. We love every centimeter of him and would do whatever he commanded of us. Anytime. Anywhere.

You must Click here to view video!

If you'd like to view pics of this hot guy you may surf his Instagram or catch a cam show on Cam4.

INSTA-STUD © surfs public cam chat rooms worldwide and archives some of the interesting ones we locate. All visual content is from persons who have declared themselves as legal adults in public forms.

Thanks and enjoy our archives.

This Argentine beefcake sometimes performs cam shows - normally solo with a dildo. This is a rare action video of this model, actor, bodybuilder we were very surprised yet also delighted. In it he bottoms, sucks dick and does it like a real champion! This gay-4-pay muscle power button loves dick more than we suspected. Hit this one up and organize a train ramming for that gorgeous ass.

You must Click here to view video!

If you'd like to view pics of this hot guy you may surf his Instagram or catch a cam show on Cam4.

INSTA-STUD © surfs public cam chat rooms worldwide and archives some of the interesting ones we locate. All visual content is from persons who have declared themselves as legal adults in public forms.

Thanks and enjoy our archives.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 15, 2021 1:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mikee.

The next post in this blog is Jordano.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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