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davy michael barnes

This isn’t the post that I wanted to write because this guys homophobia is old News and others have previously exposed him. He has since pretty much limited his social media footprint - he has completely scrubbed his Instagram account. But there are more reasons to discuss than for his homophobia which should examined. I don’t know Davy Michael Barnes aka Davy Michael but he is a result of what is very wrong with our society.

He, like many other social media darlings were created by us, the followers. As the numbers of their fans increased, they receive a platform and with that their every word and actions are endlessly shared globally. It would perhaps be okay if the messages were of inspiration or mastery of a skill, philosophy or accomplished artisan. Davy does not as most do not. He is shallow in depth and challenged in compassion shown to others.

Social media undeservedly without vetting elevates many who do not deserve to be spotlighted with banter certainty not worthy of interjecting into mainstream media News cycles. Yet here we are. I begin by sharing his political attack against Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. This made it into world News. Rock has more class in one fugus infested toenail than Davy Michael. Davy by the way is also a Covid-19 denier and uses his platform to spread misinformation. This alone, pandering conspiracy craziness is enough to question his mental capabilities.

Normally people who parade around brandishing weapons or big rifles are compensating and short in other areas, more on that after the jump. In this image he poses next to a Scottsdale, Arizona police car this to me screams danger. Last time I checked Steroids were illegal and a controlled substance. I’d really like to know which police officer though this was a good ideal. Taking that further I’d seriously check all this officers’ prior citations and I am absolutely certain that "biased issues" would be unearthed. Article continues after the jump...

If you want to chat with him surf Tiktok or add him on SnapChat.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting males we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner who appears in likenesses.

Thanks and enjoy our blog.

In this video as always he is always conscience and on message displaying his dick print at every opportunity that he can such as parading around in skin tight leggings modeling his physique. Which is impressive if you are into that aspect of a superficial persona. Davy’s side hustle is/was making homoerotic wrestling videos. Here’s a sample video of him wrestling a Twink which we are certain pedophiles drool over it. Clever marketing by Davy – role play fetishes. And although he doesn’t support homosexuals, he solicits their patronage selling them his used underwear at ridiculously high prices. He has a bulky massive body and a tiny cock. It’s only a myth that bodybuilders have small cocks. In Davy’s case he does small penis but…. The myth is still not true. It is your choice to support him, I do not. Click here to view Now!

If you are interested in Davy's homoerotic wrestling action videosfollow the link. If you want to chat with him surf Tiktok or add him on SnapChat.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting males we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner who appears in likenesses.
In this video clip Davy's flexing in a public space and at the conclusion, the homoerotic money shot.Click here to view Now!

Yeah for someone who is a Bible Thumper he sure has a way of showing it. Christianity interrupted as written is forgiving, charitable and passionate. Yet folks like Davy are stuck in the Old Testament and ignore the New Testament. The worlds humanity does not need social influencers nor their uneducated opinions and hypocrisy. They aren't Socrates nor Voltaire. The vast majority are merely interested in making money and seeking social validation. Let us put this notion to rest. Finally. They don't know more than you and should have to earn your associations.

If you are interested in Davy's homoerotic wrestling action videos.follow the link. If you want to chat with him surf Tiktok or add him on SnapChat.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting males we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner who appears in likenesses.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 16, 2021 6:14 PM.

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