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Charles-Laurent Marchand

We've recently discovered the extraordinarily studly French beefcakeCharles-Laurent Marchand aka Laurent.XIV . He's a stunning 6 feet 4 inches tall and loves wearing jockstraps. Laurent is a Native of France and currently based in Arizona, USA. Good choice if one loves riding big cock cowboys! This former model and social media darling is a treat if you can get at him. He lists himself as an Artist pâtissier on his Instagram so we know he is truly French. Apparently he's is or was on Grindr dating app showing delighted cruisers his very impressive assets. Starting with his muscle bubbled cul/ass. Here are 2 photos of his big cock tease 1 and tease 2. In this stylish professional photo modeling nus/nude and finally the crème de la crème his fully erect grossebite(Cock/Dick). Oh la la mon cheri!!

After the jump we've located three videos compilations from amateur videos located on the Internet. Enjoy.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting guys we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner in likenesses. Enjoy the view and stay tuned.

In this 1 minute 56 secs netgrab compilation Laurent is sucking a juicy cock, jerking off until he shoots a big load onto the hardwood floor, bottoming for a huge dick top, bottoming in a jockstrap for another huge cock top, getting fucked in public metro, and ends with him sucking a huge cock.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting guys we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner in likenesses. Enjoy the view and stay tuned.

In this 8 minutes 38 secs video although his face is covered with a handkerchief short profile glimpses identify our French stud. This is a hookup collaboration with Algerian/French adult entertainer Edji Da Silva Laurent can be seen sucking dick, being rimmed, being fingered and bred by a hot daddy. Laurent's social media footprint is large, and we are certain if you desire you can research and discover much more.

Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting guys we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner in likenesses. Enjoy the view and stay tuned.

This amateur video of 13 minutes 13 secs features Laurent and Rafael (Popular adult entertainer) Its of him bottoming, taking a dildo up his ass, sucking and there's a cum scene early on. Rafael has an enormous dick and sexy bubble butt. Papi gives us and Laurent a good show.

Laurent's social media foot print Instagram , OnlyFans andTwitter Insta-Stud © surfs public profiles worldwide and archives some of the interesting guys we locate. All visual content is taken from public forms. Copyright remains that of owner in likenesses. Enjoy the view and stay tuned.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 8, 2021 3:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Rafael Alencar.

The next post in this blog is Lucas Prado aka Hassami.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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